Thursday, January 11, 2007

Prayers, please.

My Granny isn't doing too well. We're not sure what's going on, but the prayers would be good. I'll let you know anything new when I can. Thanks!

UPDATE #1: She just went to the Hospital. Dad thinks she might have some sort of infetion or something. She's not very responsive at all. More to come...

UPDATE #2: Turns out she has a bad knee infection. PRAY that she reacts well to the antibiotics. If she doesn't they have to take out her knee, clean it out for six weeks and then put in a new joint. (She has a prosthesis.) So, please pray! Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Righto. We'll pray for her.

Anonymous said...

PS. Who is her confirmation saint? We will pray to him/her as well.

Anonymous said...

Margaret of Scotland.
She's a lot more responsive now. I just saw her at the Hospital. She either has a knee infection (BAD) or Gout. In her knee. Bad stuff.

michelle said...

I'm praying!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'm praying, Sheil! I hope it is better now, but I will continue to say some prayers. I love you! Give her a huge hug for me, when you can. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi sheila I'll keep your gran in my prayers and hope she gets better soon.

Anonymous said...

HYi sheila this is jack again. I know this Isn't exactly to the subject but could you please pray for the white family. Two of their kids go to TAC and their parents live in Kenya. but their mom and grandma got killed. please pray.