Tuesday, August 21, 2007

first day of school!

So her in CA, we start school nice 'n' early. Especially me. I start school early in that I started August 21st, and in that school itself starts at 6:35 for me. 0 period PE. what's not to love?
On happier notes, the first day wasn't too bad, considering. I only felt stupid when I was waiting for PE to start. After that I was fiiine.
And when I have a picture of my newest most awesome possession, after my viola, I'll post it. Until then, I have some sleep to do.
Because I didn't sleep last night. And I got up at 5:45. Ooh, yeah. This'll be a looong year.
Lots of love to you all. I'm not going to be a freak just because I go to public school. Or any more of a freak than I already was... So stop worrying, because I'll be fine, the same Sheila you know and love. Or at least some of you love.
Have fun. Stay cool. Hug a tree.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Gold Coast Music Festival = Da Bomb, yo.

What an awesome week. It'd take me forever to tell you all about it, (as I learned today with Michelle) so I think I'll give you a few highlights. But some of them aren't g rated, so I'll leave those ones out. Let's see.

øGetting up at 6:30 daily
øPlaying quartettes. Who doesn't love chamber music?
øListening to Radiohead on my iPod on the way home. Classical music gets a little bit exhausting after a while.
øPutting entire pieces of watermelon in my mouth at one time for about half the camp.
øProving that it is, in fact, possible to eat a graham cracker upside down.
øLaughing. By gosh, we did a lot of that.
øDrinking water sans hands. And getting it out of the igloo with our noses. Except I think only Abby could do that one.
øThe concerts
øDaniel's little sister jumping on him and yelling in Russian/Enlgish.
øWashing my hair in the sink with foamy soap on Friday.
øWinning Super Smash Bro's or whatever that was.
øAbsolutely stinking at pool.
øPlaying the viola. Oh, and getting viola jokes thrown at me by Niv. And making fun of cellos to Peter. And making fun of violins in general, and 'being cool' because I'm a violist. And telling everyone the violin joke.

Speaking of which, I think it's great, and everyone should know it. I learned it at viola sectional.
Why are all viola jokes so short? So violinists can remember them.

And now I'm really sad, because it's over and I'm starting school next week. I'll have pictures eventually that I might consider putting up here.

Oh, and the Pernambuco tree was too cool. I want one of those so desperately... Hey, I don't think any of you guys got me a birthday present. It's not too late, y'know.
In the words of someone truly awesome, *hint hint*

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Me 'n' my Big Sis

Me and Lorenna (sans wisdom teeth with chipmunk face)

I'm going to have some fun pictures one of these days, (probably Sunday) so I'll post those then. Until then, however, y'all is gonna have to be satisfied with some major Bernhoft good looks.
Hahahaha. Thatwasajoke.

I'm also starting music camp on Sunday. It's a day thing. I get to leave home before 7 every day from Monday to Friday. Booyah! But it should be really fun. I'm playing a Beethoven and a Mozart quartett and three string orchestra pieces. It should be pretty fun, I think. I'm just praying I won't get tendonitis again... That would probably be the end of my world. So y'alls can join me if'n you want to.

Oh, and for Sean's benifit, please check out my newest link. I love being mean to my friends...