Sunday, March 04, 2007

Post Numero 40

First off, Happy Birthday Gracie! I hope you're enjoying being 15.. before me. :( Just kidding. Anyway, in another 6 years, we'll be in Canada. Ooh, boy.
Second. I still love the beach. Today Deirdre, Rebecca Kaiser, Micaela, Elizabeth, and Christiana Mellein and I all went to said local. Even though there was no surf whatsoever, we had an awesome time. And In'N'Out will never be the same again after we've been there. You gotta love having friends. Yesterday, Frannie and Cecelia and Mrs. Kelsey and Mom and Deirdre and I went shopping in Camarillo. We got tennis garb, and I got THE CUTEST dress for confirmation. It's simply adorable. Thomas, if you start making fun of me for that, I'll butcher you at orchestra tomorrow night.
Speaking of orchestra, we're starting to practice my piece. I haven't played it yet with the orchestra since we've only had the music for a week and I wasn't even there last week. I am obscenely nervous about doing so, though, because I know a lot of people in the orchestra who'll make some serious fun of me...
I can't wait for Easter. This whole suffering thing is all well and good, but Easter is eagerly awaited by several people, most especially me. So's summer. Even though it's sunny here, summer will be so amazing. I can't wait for my stupid freshman year to be over. I hate school SO MUCH! The other day, Deirdz and I were talking, and she said that if she could do Calculus all day long she'd be perfectly happy. After locating and putting good use to a paper bag, I told her if I could practice my viola all day, I'd be perfectly happy. *sigh* But I'll be a lot better off once summer gets here. I'm actually really excited for my birthday. I don't really care how old I am, I'm just excited. I love how appreciated one is on one's birthday.
I think that's enough for now. I hope everyone in all regions of the universe are well and good. I hope everyone's enjoying eating copious amounts of delicious and illegal foods. Word of the day is copious, by the way. It's a great word. Especially when referring to women's hair. "Man, that Mrs. Quackenbush has copious amounts of hair." No offense to your Mom, Thomas... Don't tell her I said that, please. It could get... never mind. :)
Enjoy life while you have it! Like I'm one to talk... *snort*


Anonymous said...

Well Easter is coming up in a while now...and a time for togetherness and fun all the way...and well to enjoy some of the fun and spirit you can always drop by my blog on Easter Wishes sometime and enjoy all that i've posted there!!!

tduckybushenshrub said...

I doubt my mom would mind if I told her she had copious amounts of hair :-P She'd probably just laugh and agree with you or something.

Daisy said...

Awesome... remind me again what concerto you're playing?
Illegal foods? Is that supposed to mean... never mind. Maybe I don't want to know.

Anonymous said...

I'm playing the Bruch Romanze for the viola. Just out of curiosity, a couple of my friends recongnize it from the Pope's funeral... Anyone know if there's any foundation to that?
Illegal foods as in foods I gave up for lent. Yeah.

tduckybushenshrub said...

You do know, Sheila, that your piece is incredibly boring for the Trumpets, right? :-P I think I play about two notes...although I suppose that's not too bad given that I have to transpose it anyway, and I'm absolutely miserable at that :-)

michelle said...

um.........hey. I seriously don't have anything gratifying to say. Or interesting.