Monday, February 26, 2007

More musings

Happy five weeks until my birthday! :)
Yesterday, in my x number of miles walk, I stubbed my toe really badly. I feel very sorry for all you people not fortunate to be able to wander barefoot around Ojai for hours and hours running into hundreds of people you know. So it really hurts. And my feet really hurt because I danced on carpet at TAC from 8 something till 3:30. And my tummy hurts, especially after I almost killed myself by inhaling a piece of carrot today and not being able to cough from all the pain in my stomach.
I have to get off now, but it's been nice seeing you all!


Daisy said...

I hope your stomach and toe feel better! How is your Lent going? I have a friend who is taking a vow of silence for Lent... so yesterday at orchestra rehearsal, it was a little interesting not having him lead the quartet.
I'll be in either Belgium or Rome on your birthday. Hopefully I can send you a congratulatory e-mail from there!

Anonymous said...

A vow of silence for Lent! Wow! That's a bit much for me. I am not sure if I could do that.
Get better soon, Sheila!

Anonymous said...

It's just muscular pains. I'm pretty much good.
Guys, please offer up a little prayer for Granny. She's in the hospital right now getting a bunch of tests done, and she'll be home later tonight, I think, but she's having a lot of difficulty being content with her life as it is, so a prayer would be great.
How's that for a sentence?
If you're in Belgium, I would far rather have a postcard than an email. If you send me a postcard, I might consider sending you one if/when I'm in France this summer.
If I had to do that, I'd honestly die. Nobody in the world could make me do that. No silence for the wicked, and I happen to be wicked. :)

Daisy said...

Yeah, I'll let you know if I meet any cute Belgian boys.

PB said...

Seeing you all?

And no, Amber, I think Bing has already established her monopoly on Belgian boys....