Monday, March 12, 2007

Hahaha! Wheee...

Don't ask where that title came from. I'm not totally drunk...
Yesterday was confirmation class. We won't talk about that or a certain, patronizing, annoying person, though. The real point was that I was in Santa Paula where the high was 99º. Ojai was only 91º, but you guys have no idea how absolutely marvellous it felt to finally be really really warm. I know I'm going to have all sorts of disparaiging comments from you Washintonians and them Californians, but I honestly couldn't care less. mmm... HEAT!
Only three weeks till my birthday now. AKA only 20 shopping days left...
I also just wanted to comment on the fact that there are approximately no live blogs anymore. Rabs and Lukie have an excuse, but the rest of you... It's shameful. Hermes and Bing never post, Hermes JR never posts, Michelle and Emma do every once in a while, Anthony's by far the worst... I could go on, but I won't. Just throwing that out there.
Ha! Thomas and Deirdre and I went and saw Nordhoff's "Anything Goes" on Friday. It was quite amusing, esp. the fact that we vaguely knew two of the male leads. The chicks I won't even talk about. We'll pretend they were fabulous. Anyway, it was quite amusing even if a bit umm.... yeah. Those of you who've seen it know what I'm talking about.
I saw the HUGEST lizard today. It was like five or six inches long. So cool. And then I got totally freaked out by a bunch of crickets that were breading (or something) in the towel I wanted to lie on. Ga-ross!
Well, y'all have fun surviving another week of lent. I love several, most, but probably not all of you. Have a nice time attempting survival in rainy Washington! Haha! I'm SO glad I'm not there right now... Blech. Rain.


Anonymous said...

Not *totally* drunk?
Anyway, today I enjoyed the heat, simply because I had somewhat of a fever and it felt nice to sit in the sun and read (no school for poor, sick me! :-P)
Anything Goes was...a disappointment for me. I wasn't impressed with all the acting (Public Enemy #13 was the best :-P) and I wasn't impressed with most of the singing. The plot was...lame? The whole thing didn't flow very well, but it *was* quite funny.
Hey! Rain is CA, that is :-P

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! I'm sorry, Miss Shill, but I must say that "breading crickets" is pretty funny. Sounds like food prep! I think you mean breeding. :) I know you love grammar!

Yay sun! I don't mind our weather. It's been relatively warm here and we've had some fun wind and storminess. I am content with God's weather. :D

Sorry I haven't posted. It's on the bottom of my priority list. Perhaps, if you're lucky, I'll post in the next week. Just be patient in the meantime.

Confirmation! I'm glad you held back from gossiping. How is your name deciding coming?

Anything Goes... that's a good song, but I'll take your word on the play. I've actually seen the beginning of it; Erica O's sister did it in HS and I saw the beginning of their video tape of it.

I'm excited for your birthday, but I won't be getting you anything. I'm sorry; I am poor and saving up. I still love you though! I'll send you a piece of mail. :) God bless you, dearest.

PB said...

Wait, when's your birthday? Are you really in April? I was sure you were in March...

I haven't posted seriously recently becuase I just have not had the time, which is a familiar malady for us all, I know.

PB said...

How come I always misspell "because"?

Anonymous said...

Patrick, it is because you commonly speak in a NY accent. You know: becUase... get it?

Daisy said...

Hey, I post! Once in a while...
And at least *I* remember your birthday, unlike that irresponsible ;-) brother of mine... *grumble*
Enjoy the heat! It's actually almost beginning to feel like spring!

Anonymous said...

Thomas: I put totally in there just for you. Don't you feel special?
Hermes: Wa-woops. Mm... Breaded crickets are my favorite delicacy! Blegh... And don't worry about posting. I was just teasing you. I know the feeling of having it low, low, low on one's priority list.
Patz: Yeah, I really am in April. By the skin of my teeth. April the 2. I agree with Herm on why you misspell because. I have issues with it, too, though. Never fear.
Erin: ...It's actually almost starting to feel like summer! Actually, it's the equivalent of July only + a freezing swimming pool. We went in it the other day and survived to tell the tale.

tduckybushenshrub said...

You don't have skin on your teeth, silly :-P

michelle said...

I'll post when I feel like it. I just don't feel like it!

Emma said...

I don't post because I gave up blogging for Lent. I guess I could now, but I don't feel like it, plus I have absolutely nothing to post about.
I love ya!

michelle said...

thank you, Emma! Nothing interesting....except what happend at Mass....yea..........:\

Anonymous said...

Michelle, stop killing yourself! Only I'm aloud to do that! And don't do anything bad before you come visit me...
I do so have skin on my teeth, silly.
And EmMmMmMm, you have me to post about... what's the delay? Just kidding. :) Don't take it personally, I just felt like saying that.
It's raining. *sniff* I'm sad now.
"If you still want me, please forgive me..."
~Crown of love, Arcade Fire. Very good song.

Anonymous said...

I wish someone would give me a hug right now... Someone? Please!

Daisy said...

It's sort of hard when we don't know your name, anonymous...