Thursday, August 24, 2006

My life in general

Life has not been all that exciting. It's been getting ready for school, etc., and swimming and reading and writing and looking through boxes frustratedly for four of my school books and my viola music. (Saint Anthony....) Until this morning, that is...

I was awakened at 8:30, which is way too early unless I'm going to Mass. Especially because I was up reading until past 1:30 last night. Anyway, so Mom comes in and says to me and Deirdre, "Get up and help Iain move boxes out of the garage." Or something to that effect. I, being the sunny, morning person that I am, rolled over and attempted to go back to sleep while fending off questions about where important books are, etc. Note the word "attempted", dear readers. Anyway, I got up and walked into the garage which had about an inch of water covering almost the entire floor. The garage is currently storage for books and tools and such like, all still in boxes. We had water all over the floor yesterday because of a leaky pipe, but that all got straightened out with the usual, ginormous plumber's fee. So, I was dismayed to see that our water filtration system was spewing water everywhere. (As my Great-Grandfather would say, (and this is a modified version so as not to shock you all) "A story isn't worth telling if it isn't worth embellishing.") So, we desperately moved sopping wet boxes out of the garage and into the nice, 85 degree sunshine. I practically slipped several times, and I was cleaning up some cards that had gotten wet when this black spider clambered across my hand. Those of you who even remotely know me know that I have a zero-tolerance spider policy. So I flipped out, etc. and Iain and Deirdre had less major flip-outs at me. It was not a good morning. Note that it's 9:25 as I post this. I would normally be getting up about this time, or later, but only earlier if I were at Mass right now. *sigh* Oh, and did I mention that this is the third time in as many days that our water has had to be turned off? And that Dad left yesterday for a medical conference and he's not going to be home until Sunday?

Anyway, not everything in life has been as rotten as our pipes and garage. We went to the beach on Monday, and I discovered that boogey-boarding is easy and way fun. Way easier than body-surfing, which I tried last time I went to the beach. I've only been twice, which for having been here three and a half weeks, is pretty rediculously pathetic. I love the beach, though. And we went with this really great, Catholic family whom I love. We're probably *hopefully* going again with them tomorrow, and I might just make myself learn to surf. I'll keep you posted.

Bing started at TAC on Tuesday, (she got there on Thursday, though, for orientation, etc.). She seems to be doing well, but is quite sorely missed by all the family. And when I go to set the table... It's just really confusing. But she's having a really good time, and meeting great people. The campus is pretty, and she's totally in love with the campus, which helps.

Anyway, I have to go find wet books and dry them, so "I'll see you next time." I'm praying for you all. As Mr. Sims would say, "God love you!" :)


Anonymous said...

Hmm...I want to be the first person to comment, but then I don't have anything to say. Oh well. Ha! I like the part about the spider. I can just see you freakin' out...I miss you! *sob*

Anonymous said...

Hey Sheila,
YHove gone 3 times now stuPiD. wE weNt Tdaoy.

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

It's "God love you sweetie" Sheila. golly, I got that said to me at least 16000 times before they left on Tuesday!
When you said that I was sorely missed, i was like, 'awwh... how cute!' How nice. I love you all. TAC is great, I was really, really tipsy all day yesterday, and today we (Sarah, Stephen, Blaise, Patrick, Jack (?) Carson, etc...) are coming. Yay for us!

Zenka said...

You're coming? What's that supposed to mean? And what was that question mark for? I'm so confused...

Zenka said...

Well, Bing I don't under stand you. And its " Good bye now. Don't do anything stupid. I'm going to Barf. I ate way to much cake. I cant see what I'm writing so if ou see any typose, well thene sue me.Any way, Our Garage fludded again today. Bu t I got to sleep into to 9:30 which is really nice. Any way, I will see some of you later.(hopefully not you emma.)( Just kidding. Sorry.)

Anonymous said...

Um that last one was from me. Rabic that is.

Anonymous said...

At least your Nana is not in the hospital...I love you Sheila!

Zenka said...

I was wondering who wrote that...