Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Random Musings of a Drunken Me

Why is it that February always seems like an unlucky month to me? I'm not really sure... But, unlucky or not, Happy February! I guess it's spring or whatever because Punxsutawney Phil neglected to see his shadow. It's felt like spring here for about a month at least. It's really nice.
The Colts won the Super Bowl, in case any of you Football hating monkeys hadn't noticed. Woo-hoo!
I decided that February is officially not the month to be born in. I know at least twice as many people born in January as February. The only important birthdays that I can remember are Andrew on the 11th, Kidu the 12th, Thomas the 21st, and Mrs. Curtis the 24th. Oh, and Kodi on the 19th.
Man, I'm way too tired to make anything seem even remotely witty or intelligent... This was a really bad idea.
To those of you who are string players and/or who care: I'm trying out a bunch of bows from Shar that should get here in a few days. It's really exciting. I despise my bow with a passion undefiled. So that's really exciting. Go music!
On another note, keep up the prayers for Sean. He was going to get out of the hospital on Sunday, but then his white blood cell count doubled overnight, so they told him Tuesday if his white count went back down. Which it did until this morning. It's pretty sad. He's doing really well, he's just sick of the hospital. I HATE HOSPITALS!!!!
Okay, whew. Ouch. Anyone know of a really good masseuse in Ojai? I didn't think so... Poor me.
Viola practicing awaits. Good night.
P.S. Radiohead rocks!


Anonymous said...

Shill, Mom's birthday is the 20th. Have fun with those bows! :)

Anonymous said...

Teddy VB: Feb 6
Nick: Feb 10
"In the Aeroplane Over the Sea," by Neutral Milk Hotel: Feb 10

et cetera, et cetera

Anonymous said...

I knew Teddy VB was yesterday, E. I was going to make you tell him happy birthday for me. I'll try to remember those others. Fr. Daniel's was yesterday also.
I'll try to have fun, Herm. But you know how boring it is trying to find new musical equipment. heh heh. ;)

Anonymous said...

Fun stuff, Sheil!

tduckybushenshrub said...

Sheila, Sheila...drinking copiously is not particularly healthy, y'know. ;-P
Of course, the simple fact that my Birthday is in February makes February a superior month to be born in...except...it's not in the Baseball season, so I take it back. And it does kinda stink to have a birthday on Ash Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Regarding february not being baseball season: Four Words:

Pitchers and catchers report.

Anonymous said...

I'll try to remember that in the future, Thomas. I sort of forgot. It seemed like a good idea at the time...
Oh, Iain, Deirdre and I were listening to Neutral Milk Hotel the other day. It was pretty rockin' awesome.
One more thing: Seán finally got out of the hospital today, so thanks for praying for him. He'd been in one day short of 2 weeks. So thanks.

Daisy said...

I don't know about February being an unlucky month, but it's just about the busiest month I've had in a while. (Adele Evans's birthday is the 19th... I didn't realize that was Kodi's, too!)
And go Colts.

Anonymous said...


It's very exciting.

I love my new bow with the same fervor that I hated the old; that is to say roughly the same amount of fervor a lion cub displays when leaping upon a deliciously bloody piece of meat.

And, while you might be correct in saying that Radiohead "rocks," I would have to disagree with you in saying they "rock."

Boris Yeltsin was born in February, too.

tduckybushenshrub said...

weeeeeell, I don't think Pitchers and Catchers reporting even really counts as the beginning of Spring Training let alone the baseball season. Besides, I can't afford to fly a party out the Vero Beach to watch LA's spring training anyhow. They're only useful as a party tool when they play here.
Besides, I'm a shortstop...pitchers and Catchers...bah! ;-P The middle infield, that's where it's at!

Anonymous said...

Shortstop? Haha!!! Sorry, that is just hysterical to me. Thomas, do you remember Alex W.? Well he is always calling me that because of how ridiculously short I am. *sigh* :)

Fiona S M Bernhoft said...

Sheila, Mason's birthday in February. Which makes you statement that February is not the month to be born in even more true. Congratulations. I'm sorry, T Quack, that you were born in February

michelle said...

Kelsey was born in February, and because of that, I like february, although Kate was born in July...so I konw I like july better

Emma said...

I like July too.

Anonymous said...

I personally like April best, because spring is great. And my birthday, Easter, Mom's birthday, Jesse's birthday, Hannah's birthday, etc, etc., etc. :)

Anonymous said...

Sheil, I like April a lot too. I'm so looking forward to Easter. I'm actually looking forward to Lent a lot too. Hm. It should be nice. :) Write me soon! Hey, are you *ever* going to send me that letter?!
Talk to you later, doll.

Anonymous said...

I'm so not happy about Lent starting next week on TQ's birthday. Ugh! He reminded me of that fact about two weeks ago, and I basically died. I'm not happy about it, anyway.
Yeah, still looking for that letter...

Anonymous said...

...by the way, Patrick, you are so wrong about Radiohead that it's not even funny. Radiohead rocks not in the way an earthquake strikes the earth but in the way that one's socks are rocked off. AKA they're amazing. So bite me if you disagree, but you still owe me two Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Whence came your and Deirdre's access to Neutral Milk Hotel?

Y'all going behind my back and stealing my flavor.

Anonymous said...

Sheila, aren't people allowed to share their oppinoins?

Anonymous said...

Not when they're wrong.

Anonymous said...

Shill, which Jesse are you referring to?

Anonymous said...

Jesse's a kid I know. I only really know one Jesse. He's really cute, though, and twelve. :)

Anonymous said...

Well from the other side's point of view, you're wrong. See? I need to work on this too, becuase I do it as well sometimes. :)
Why aren't you looking forward to Lent, Sheila?
I hope you find that letter soon. Pray to St. Anthony! ;) When I reply to it, it will be way out of date. Ah well.
Talk to you later, Sheila.
(Rabic, call me back!)