i should write a poem, but for now, i'll just let you all know what's going on with my wrist, because i've hinted at it to many of you, and probaly half of you have no clue what she did this time.
she is me.
anyway, basically, i've been practicing two to four hours a day for a month+, and all i have to show for it is this stupid wrist bandage. i got tendonitis or carpal tunnel or something along those lines from over use. yeah, it's totally lame. and it means i can't practice, which is the annoyed part. i could use more, umm, colorful words to describe the way i feel about this, but i'll spare you and the obsenity portion of your brain.
you're all probably thinking, 'hey wait, doesn't she have a concert coming up in which she's playing the bruch romanze with the orchestra? and isn't this something she's been dreaming about since before she started playing that piece? and won't this totally screw her up?' the answer to all this is yes. my concert's in 13 days. if i'm not better by then, it'll probably end in tears, blood and juvi. i'll still play, duh, but it would be oh so nice if i'm better by then. so please send some serious prayers up to mr. confirmation saint, st. anthony, and ask him to find some sort of nice way for sheila to be better way before her concert. she's not happy about the whole not playing thing. so there.
enjoy doing things you love guys. you never know when you won't be able to anymore...
peace, love and ojai.
p.s. history of lovers by iron & wine is a great song. cool horn part.